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Phil Collins`

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  • #16
    Re: Phil Collins`

    [ QUOTE ]

    Yes, the USA is the greatest country in the world, anyone care to disagree?

    Deneb is being disrespectful, period. How you ask? Think about it... Throwing an avitar out there like that is a slap in the face ( at least ) to every American here or anywhere.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll go ahead and disagree. The USA is no greater than any other country who has taken over land from its original inhabitants. And I don't mean Iraq, I mean Florida, Texas, Hawaii, well basically our entire country was stolen from other peoples in the name of "manifest destiny" and "god's will".

    So his avatar is disrespectful since it represents a viewpoint that the majority of Americans dislike? Last I checked the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the "greatest country in the world" allows him to show pretty much any picture he wants.

    And I'm not here to debate the election, only your ridiculous statements.


    • #17
      Re: Phil Collins`

      I'm sure Deneb would be mighty happy living under Communist Rule.

      I hear it was a ton of fun... Ya know, death squads, the KGB and whatnot...


      • #18
        Re: Phil Collins`

        But.... This is a private board...

        See my previous reply...



        • #19
          Re: Phil Collins`

          Okay, let's stop.

          Strangle. Dumbass? No, I don't really think that I am. You thinking I am? It would mean, you're the dumbass.

          Did I say a communist rule is what I wanted? No. I said, our current administration represents one that is leaning that way.

          I do not plan on opening a political debate, because as soon as I state my case, threads are deleted, so let me say this blandly.

          A; OSG, do you think every person who voted, voted intellegently? There are some people who voted for one or the other, just because that's their political party.

          There are those who voted for the other, based upon 1 issue, gun control, or abortion.

          Now, it was highlighted above, that one man can't change the world, so I'm a bad guy for not liking someone. However, all these people who voted based upon abortion, or gun control, they think one man can change it?

          Abortion didn't end 4 years ago, it's not going to. If it did, dirty, back room abortions would start back up. Guns weren't taken away by other Dems, so it's just hog wash.

          B; so again, you're telling me, that everyone that voted for Bush, or Voted for Kerry was informed on the issues, save what they heard from a friend, or got from their party registration?

          Let's face it, the vast majority of Americans didn't know why there were voting for someone, regardless of who they were voting for.

          A campaign built upon lies? I highly disagree, and it's my right as an American to disagree. I'm very vocal about why I voted one way.

          One candidate wants to get rid of labor unions, overtime pay, and give tax breaks to companies who send jobs overseas.

          To me that's a direct threat.

          Now, on the, one man can't change the world... In Germany, during the war, people would listen to one person..Adolph Hitler. No rule was superior to his. I'm not saying he was a good guy, just giving an example of something.

          That said, my political beliefs are my own. I can share them, but when I do, people get pissed, so I don't. Obviously, I live in America, and if I wanted out, I could sell my house, my gear, and go to another country. However, I stay in America. Must mean something.

          Pat, I personally don't care if I'm being disrespectful in your eyes. If we can agree to disagree (I respect your opinion, so you respect mine, it's only right for Americans to respect each other).

          Cleve you're talking about the communist rule that was in Russia, not communism overall. Communism, Facism, Marxism, and Socialism are all different things.

          Jimmy B, I don't why I thought it was Phil Collins, I guess I'm a tard for that. But yeah, you're right, at least he still has a career.


          • #20
            Re: Phil Collins`

            What I want to know is what exactly does the US Ski Assocation have to do with communism? Being a member, I'm not exactly sure why your associating us with communism.
            We must!
            We must!
            We must increase the bust!
            The bigger the better!
            The tighter the sweater!
            The boys are counting on us!


            • #21
              Re: Phil Collins`

              There's a lot of things I can certainly agree to disagree with, but this is not one of them, sorry. And you're not being disrespectful to just me, I'm sure it offends a lot of people here. I'm just the one calling you out on it.

              Why don't you just put an image of "yourself" burning the flag? It's the same thing IMO and it doesn't belong here. it's very disrespectful to the United States as a whole and simply wrong.

              You need to loose the bitterness you obviously have over this past election, either move elsewhere or deal with it, because you've got 4 more years here in the best country in the world. It wouldn't have mattered if Kerry won or not, it would still be the best country in the world..

              So, either way bro, i among others would appreciate it if you changed that avitar.



              • #22
                Re: Phil Collins`


                Based on our policy here with political topics on the JCF, your avatar is obviously a political statement with an intention to provoke an argument from the conservative population of this community. I remind you that the JCF is not the USA in that this is not a democracy nor do you posses the freedom of speech to the extent that you do in the USA. Please be very clear of this as you seem to have failed to see this in the past and as well as this current thread. If you fail to conform to this, I will remove your membership immediately.

